Archive | November 8, 2008

Ish Random ish.


And just for the heck of it. Here’s a pic od Socks =P
At least he’s keeping is eyes on the road!!! XD
(oh btw. Thanks again for the rides. I know we’re sort of a nusiance… sorry >.<)


And one of KAsuki~ Cause it was funny when she did this XDDD

Omgsh we went to get boba (so I would stay up to my my cosplay but its not working with the headache I have XD) And like we saw a guy we knew from school! It was so weird! I dun like those moments XD But oh well… lol~


when I see ppls…


Wow I seriously can’t believe how much I see this girl around XD
Anime Expo and now PMX too XD
Its funny though!
Krista~ She’s actually like… one of my first friends as I moved here from Michigan oh so long ago. And we’ve kept in touch a bit.
I really didn’t think I’d see her there XD

So Like. The con yea. Small. Cute. Kinda weird at parts.

I’m so tried. Have a slight headache from the stress I guess. Bad? Duh. But I dunno. I’ll skip put on working on my cosplay tonight and just wait to do some in the morning. I’ll wake up at like… 8 ish. Not so bad right? ^-^;;

-thinks- Yea. today is almost over anyways. I had my fair share of good times and well too much of the bad ones XD

omgsh I even have dance practice tomrrow. Gahh T.T


It’s the bugs..


All three of us. And I hope its just not down to one XD;;

But um.. yea! We went to the Asian food contest! IT was funny as heck! If me and Kasuki were in it, I bet we would’ve lasted to the last round!! Yea.. until the bugs came into play.. because that was BEYOND gross. They were eating some larva… >.< korean food XP

That was funny. And the girl that wanted to win the $50 prize money said she wanted a lolita ‘costume’ and some girls in front of us were like scoffing and making fun of her saying her could only but knock-off socks with that. I’m like.. really? But I guess I can’t blame them… cause they looked like hard-core lolita girls. Very nice too ^-^;;

I wish I could buy more lolita fashion. I have to admit its expensive. And I’m focusing more on cosplay… I think cosplay is more my style anyhow XD;;


just perfect.


I did go to PMX a bit today. After school and all~
Yea after I went home and stuffed my face with spgehtti… lol!

Socks.. why did you have to run into that other car… while it was parked?!
But I hope it all turns out good… hope your not in too much trouble T.T;;
Goes for Kasuki too. Gah… watch if my mom comes home now and I’m in trouble too, it’ll be just the perfect day! >.<;;

Alright so the con is uberly small. but its nice. A great place for chillin.
I got to play the Para Para dance machine! And talked to a guy while waiting. He was nice, worked in the gaming area~ Can dance like crazy XD

And then… Wanted to sing kareoke! Wanna go tomrrow or sunday if Kasuki comes T.T


School… rawr

So school. Yea.
Not cool XD
I was mad part of the day because of SOMEONE!
Tricked me online >.>
Okay so your forgiven but it still bothers me.
You know girls don’t forget things like that!

But Its alright~ I’ll only bring it up as blackmail when needed =P

So afterwards I did go off to PMX… omgsh Socks >.>
Running a red light?!?! Gahhh T.T
You seriously had me freaked.
