Tag Archive | Driving

Old to new!


Lol~ So there’s a great story behind this~ To the left is Gee’s old charm which was batch 1 of my pentapus ninja charms! Of course his jeans completely ate them t.T sooo… recently I made a new and updated version that will hopefully last forever! Forever as long as he doesn’t put it in the wash… run it over with the car… or… well you get it~ xDD I decided to go with a darker color for the newer pentapus because it looked really nice.. before I mixed blues to create a nice lighter version of the navy blue.

Anyhow… I made a nice purple one for my other friend and… in making those I forgot to make a new pink one for myself -.- /fail
But it’s okay.. mine’s still living :3

Oh and I took this while in the car (not driving~) which explains the wierd but kinda cool bg! Speaking of driving… I went to get my car fixed today… the girl that helped me this time seriously made my day =3 Hopefully I’m not getting too happy about something that is not what it seems…. But… if this experience turns out good I’ll blog about it completely~ If it turns out bad… well you can DEFINATELY count on me bloging it later >.>;;

Kay… time for… SEWING! Today? Circle skirt failing -.- Hing. I just wanted to try something different!!!


Played sims day

So I’m really starting to lack pictures xD
But today was… not so eventful >.<;;

I played Sims most of the day! But I was happy playing it…
But I was thinking… in Sims you want to make the person the best they can be. Max out the character’s stats and be the top of the job.
So I’m thinking… why can’t I do that with myself?
I guess its just more fun to control characters xD
But I’m getting there, I learned sewing? I’m going to college… woot xD

Actually I did do something today.
I went to joanns to return buttons and get more. I also got a little photo album thing that I will be filling up with my cosplay photos xD
My little cosplay photo album.
On the way home I was waiting to turn left and then I noticed… the light to turn left wasn’t turning green…
How irritating! I didn’t wanna break the law and go left like…. yield when everyone else went. That’s illegal xD
But I don’t want to get out and possible get rammed by others xD
Someone nice let me out anyways, woot!
But I was there for a good 10 minutes? Like two whole songs passed by I know that.

But as long as I get home, that’s the good thing.




So today! How intersting for me. Its a sunday! And I had to drive T.T

I drove and… on the highway o.o;;
Scary? not really.
I was nervous though >.<
Didn’t know it until afterwards. I was like.. “why am I shaking?” Oh! Cause I tend to shake and get fidgety when im nervous. Thats why everytime before a big presentation im nervous for I jump around before hand XD Yea… Its a trait I don’t like but I found a way aorund it!
So I was driving… for liek 30 minutes. Meh. It was alright. I would’ve rather slept instead XD

I ate alot today! Seafood ^-^ Then OMGSH my bro brought home cake!!
I’ll put up a pic later~

Its liek 10 and I have so much hw to do!! so jaa~


Loved dress.


The top dress I LOVED. Like I said.. Erukii picked it!
SEcond one was nice.. but I mean.. it was alright. I think I like light colors better…

I’m surprised I fit into the white dress… I tohught it’d be really small for me….

That dress was really pricy… I know what kind of dress I want next though. Something that sparkles and is light in color. No more black dresses for me!

But I had lots of fun today. Me and Erukii actually sat in Barnes and Nobles and talked alot. It was interesting. One of those talks you learn about a person from yea? I wish I could do that more often… just sit around and talk. Too mad I lost track of time XD If my mom didn’t call… I probably would’ve been there for awhile XD

Oh! Drove home in the dark today~ IT was great cause there wern’t lots of cars. I hate merging.

And my heart broke off my phone T.T lol


More driving -.-;;


So I actually drove on the road today!
How fun XD
I got my mom scared so bad >.<;;
Then again it is her car…XD

I drove home too! How… not so easy?
I forgot to signal -.-;;

But I was looking at my permit and I tohught it was pretty cool I turn 21 in 2012! The numbers are switched around..get it? XD;;

Woo my drinking age! XD
