Archive | June 2009



Something short cause I’m massively busy. lol~




So today I am quite busy.
But its a good kinda busy.

Thursday (Day 1):
10am – 2pm – Registration (LACC 510)
2pm – 4pm – Ballroom Dance Workshop (Location TBA)
4pm – 4:30pm – MANDATORY Masquerade Ball Meeting
5:30pm – Shuttle leaves from LACC to the Westin Bonaventure (if you have a time conflict, let me know NOW and I can see if we can hold the shuttles for just a bit longer. ^.^) If you have a shuttle pass, you can arrive at any time. The judging and announcing for winners will be done sometime around 7:00-8:00pm I think.

Thats just to clarify that first day for me xD

But today was quite itnersting. I saved my mommie? xD
We got trapped into our own property -.- since the person left and thought we had a key. So I jumped the gated pointy gate. Which was really fun! Even if I did have a skirt.. and people were looking at me weird -.-;;
Then saved my mommie xD Which is hilarious since we were gonna sit there and wait when the keys were in the car.

Other than that. Went shopping, Drove alot. Got soap! woot


pretty good


Rawr. Today didn’t go how I wanted and planned.
Though I did watch Transformers!
That is seriously a good movie ^-^
Then I didn’t know the mall closes at 7pm.
So like.. I had about less than  hours to shop.
didn’t know that until 6 minutes before closing xD
So! Rushing around trying to buy everything.
Didn’t get to go to Joanns..>
But did buy my hat!
So therefore… I am officially behind schedule with cosplay. Great.

But  man is a pazooki good!!!

Still had fun redgradless… even if im bleh.




This picture is kinda… scary to me? xD
Yet I liked how it came out so im putting it up!! lol~

Well today apparently I’m going to Santa Monica with my bro, uncle, and sis on request of my mom. So I’ll take along my sketchbook and see what I can do xD

Though okay whats funny was that I found this one girl on youtube. Then Kasuki shows me the same girl not too long ago. Then my brother shows me the same one a couple days ago! And I’m like.. wow… she’s not that famous but her youtube account really stands out. Because her wallpaper is… HER.

So my brother said we shoud do something like that xD
So now I’m thinking.. you know… why not?
It can’t hurt. And I only get to be this young once!
So this pic that I have in this post will probably go onto my background collage xD
Maybe.. if I decide to do it. My sister says I look like a rat o.o;;
I’m like wtf. So then she says like Hunny rat kinda. -.-;;

Another person said I looked like a chipmunk… my gosh.
I guess its better than walrus or something xD
As long as its cute?
