Archive | May 2, 2013

Pink PJs!! Ish.

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I’m attempting to make.. PJ shorts! Out of this adorably cute pink  snugly fabric =3 It’s really interesting on how shorts are made btw. I’m thinking of practicing with some more PJ making ones and then I’ll try making nice looking ones. Maybe pleated ones? I dunno xD and hey, maybe if I can make it really nice I can upgrade to actual pants! Lol!!

Oh man.

Oh hey!! I found my recently misplaced DS and long time misplaced camera today! All under… my sister’s things. So now I know… my sister indirectly eat my stuff.

Mm… I’ve been feeling kinda sick lately and I’m thinking its allt he stress I’m under. I try to relieve it in so many ways but its just… you can only relieve it so much until you get to the point where you actually have to do the dang work xD

OH and btw. Those shorts? SO HUGE. But there will be elastic at the top so it only makes sense xD I thought I was seriously that big when I looked at it today LOL I finished serging all the edges when I got home today! Just to put on the ribbon and elastic and BOOM BABY! xDDD



…. glitching apparently. I posted twice and its like my posts disappear out of nowhere o.o So… since I’m super lazy to recreate… I won’t. Plus one of the posts were pretty decent in ranting and writing…. that makes me kind of sad >.< Dang you wordpress, dang you!