Archive | June 26, 2009

Ciel: 80% -vid

Another vid on Ciel\’s dress

So yes another video. This one has good music actually xD
I let my sis play around with the.. err..screen I guess you could say xD

it was REALLY fun wearing this dress!
Though I found chocolete on the bottom part >.> not noticable but.. chocolete!!!

Still not done! Gotta go shopping this sunday!!




The little cute chickies!! Got them awhile ago..
The yellow one was mine ^-^ I named it Butters xD
The black one was my sis’s. I named it Peppers xD

But sad thing is… they both died before I could even post this up! rawr.
The yellow one.. I guess died peacefully cause it just wasn’t moving one morning o.o;;
The black one… didn’t die so peacfully…

He actually died today.

Apparently my mom left the door open (no surprise there, she always leaves doors opened)
And my uncle was like, oh she just wants air in, so he goes to the bathroom.
Then my doggie comes in and apparently eats Peppers!
I didn’t think he ate it though. But thats what my mom says >.<

So we were baffled by what happened. It’s like.. wow. My dog ate my chick!
I seriously don’t think he ate it.

And good thing is he didn’t!

Not SO good because my mom found out that my dog buried him…
In a pot near where my uncle works on his thing in the backyard. So my mom was accusing him of spilling dirt everywhere when it was actually lucky that made the mess while burying the chick. And my mom only knew it was the chick that was buried cause the lets are sticking out of the dirt..
I didn’t wanna get a pic of that… it’s sad T.T

So! I had high hopes for Peppers and Butters but it seems it wasn’t meant to be…

R.I.P Butters + Peppers.
