Tag Archive | German Shepard

Shepard of .. Germany?

It’s kind of a tradition now to always go into pet shops when at the mall…. And we went today and I saw an adorable puppy! He was a Keeshond? And it just made me realize even more how much I want a fluffy fox-face like dog… >.>;; Cause pom poms are still my top choice. I also noticed I’ve always liked squirrel tails.. hence the fluffiness I always love in tails!

But the talk of alaskan malamute which is like a fluffier version of a husky came up. Gee said for me to get one…. here:

And don’t get me wrong.. they are beautiful o.o I love them! But Gee said he doesn’t see them often unlike huskies and I had some brilliant thought to say “It’s cause they are all probably in Alaska!”
Gee: …….
Me: What.. no?
Gee: Does that mean there are a lot of German Shepard in Germany?
Me: Well let me ask my blog!

So here I am… asking anyone if they know if there are a lot of German Shepard in Germany =.= It would be very interesting if that was true especially because it would just… fit right! you know?


And here’s a picture of a Pom >.>

But you know what? I could live with seeing this everyday <3

Okay now I’m done.